WELCOME to my Sequencer Spotlite Page. This page is dedicated to all the sequencers who make those wonderful MIDIs that we all love. Below you will find the name of the sequencer and a little info about them. Also, any MIDIs that they have provided. These MIDIs are so please request permission before using them. But I need more. If you are a sequencer and would like to have your work "spotlited" here, please Email me. Be sure to include a little background info about yourself and of course, MIDIs!! I hope you enjoy your visit, and if you have a little time, sign My Guestbook. Take care.
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Eddie Step and Kenn Gordon
Both tracks are from "Quagaars Midi Country" private collection, of which Kenn Gordon is the owner. These MIDIs were sequenced by Eddie Step, whom Kenn describes as "one of the most talented MIDI artist in the UK". I have to agree. Eddie Step captures the spirit of country music, using basic instruments sounds like rhythm guitars and harmonicas. He makes the MIDIs sound as close to the originals as possible. And that's the way MIDIs should sound!
Cowboy Cadillac
Kicking And Screaming
Tim Hamrick
"I'm being totally honest about this being the first Midi I've ever written. I'm a physician by profession, and a huge, lifelong fan of all types of music, who can't read a note... much less perform it! I am both fascinated with, and grateful to the newest computer technology that allows us all to more deeply appreciate, and participate in music. The Grinch story was one of my favorite Christmas stories as a child, and this was my attempt at sharing all of the versions of the song that kind of float around in my head!"
Mr. Grinch
Gregg Boethin
"This MIDI is a sequencing of an original song that is soon to be published and recorded. The name of the song is "Love Would Make It Better". It was written and sequenced by Gregg Boethin (myself)." And this is a wonderful MIDI, can't wait to hear the song!
Love Would Make It Better
Jan Smit
"I am just over 60 years young, married with 3 children and staying in South Africa. I still work for Coca Cola as distribution team leader. My plan is to retire next year and have more time for my music. I am write my own music and have composed over 150 melodies. These are all registered in South Africa with Samro. I can also play the guitar, organ, drums, banjo, etc."
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